The Second Doris Day Blogathon is here!

Who else is excited to celebrate Doris Day for three whole days?! A triple threat with an illustrious career, Ms. Day will be turning 96 on the third and I'm thrilled to toast the woman by hosting my second Doris Day Blogathon.

Participants, please leave me a comment below once you are ready to submit your entry. I'll try to post them as soon as I can!

UPDATE: Since it appears that other blogathons and personal events have delayed submissions, I'll be extending the blogathon an extra day so it'll unofficially end on the 4th. Doris deserves all the love we can give her, after all!

Without further ado, the entries...

Silver Screenings drops in on Doris and Rock Hudson for a post on the delightful, hilarious Pillow Talk (1959).

The Story Enthusiast reviews the zany The Glass Bottom Boat (1966). Come for Day's screwball antics, stay for her chemistry with Rod Taylor and the fun cast!

Maddy Loves Her Classic Films looks at the only collaboration of Day and Hitchcock, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956).

I lament the sole pairing of Day and Jack Lemmon, It Happened to Jane (1959).

The Flapper Dame explains why Send Me No Flowers (1964) was the perfect ending to Doris and Rock's partnership.

Critica Retro discusses Day's first film (and one of my personal favorites), Romance on the High Seas (1948).

We go from Day's first film to her last, With Six You Get Eggroll (1968), courtesy of Whimsically Classic.

Caftan Woman brings trouble -- and Ginger Rogers! -- with Storm Warning (1951).

Who will Doris choose: Gig Young or Frank Sinatra? Realweegiemidget Reviews knows what her answer would be! Read her piece on Young at Heart (1954) to find out.

Doris and Rock are at it again! Musings of a Classic Film Addict tells us about their second pairing, the hilarious Lover Come Back (1961).

We have another Doris Day-Gig Young love triangle, this time with Clark Gable (!), thanks to In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood's post on Teacher's Pet (1958).

It wouldn't be a proper celebration without mention of Day's gorgeous singing! Christina Wehner joins us with a glimpse of Day's career as a pop singer.

LA Explorer reviews one of Day's fun films with James Garner, The Thrill of It All (1963).

Anybody Got a Match? brings the chills and thrills with Midnight Lace (1960).

Vitaphone Dreamer spends some time with the Winfields in the winsome On Moonlight Bay (1951).

The party isn't over yet! Old Hollywood Films drops by with That Touch of Mink (1962).

Thank you so much to everyone who participated, both bloggers and readers! Be sure to return later this week for the announcement of my next blogathon!


  1. Hi Michaela. Here is my entry about Doris in The Man Who Knew Too Much. Maddy

  2. Here it is my review of Doris' first movie - it was so cute to watch!

  3. Reagan takes on the Klan, and Doris is caught in the middle:

  4. Hello from Finland, here's my review for the Doris Day blogathon, hope all good behind the scenes..
    love Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  5. Just spotted the next blogathon comment... expect lots of hits from Finland in your stats!!!

    1. Haha, glad to hear it! I'm excited to announce it. :)

  6. Here's my post about Lover Come Back (1961)! Thank you so much for hosting and allowing me to discover this fantastic romantic comedy!

  7. Hey Michaela. Here's my post on "Teacher's Pet". Sadly, I didn't have time to write about Doris and Rock like I was hoping, but at least I'm delivering one of my favorite films to the party. Thanks for hosting.

    1. No worries! Glad you could still be a part of the celebration!

  8. My post on Day's career as a singer is up now. Thanks so much for hosting!

  9. Hey, Michaela! My post on Midnight Lace is up! Thanks for hosting such a great blogathon. Doris Day is one of the first actresses that got me into classic films! It was fun rewatchig some of her films!


    1. Thanks! It's been wonderful reading about her for the past few days!

  10. Hello. My post on That Touch of Mink for Old Hollywood Films is ready.

    Sorry, I'm late. I had it mostly written yesterday, but got distracted by an unexpected houseguest, and just got it done now.

    Thanks for hosting

  11. Love you to join in,

    1. Thanks, Gill! I haven't seen many Kurt Russell films, but I'll try to see if I can come up with something!


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