Day 1 of the Third Golden Boy Blogathon is here!

It's finally arrived! The first part of the Third Golden Boy Blogathon is here, and I'm very happy to be your host for the day. All this month I've been catching up on William Holden's filmography (thanks, TCM!), so I can't wait to see the tributes come pouring in over the next few days.

Participants, please comment below with your entry and I'll get it posted as soon as I can. Day 2 will be hosted by The Flapper Dame's wonderful Emily, and Day 3 will be hosted by the lovely lady who started this all, The Wonderful World of Cinema's very own Virginie.

Let's get to it!

Dubsism | Stalag 17 (1953)

Caftan Woman | The Remarkable Andrew (1942)

Juliet Campbell (guest at The Wonderful World of Cinema) | The Counterfeit Traitor (1962)

4 Star Films | Picnic (1955)

The Stop Button | The Moon is Blue (1953)

Happy 100th, Bill!


  1. Sports Analogies Hidden In Classic Movies – Volume 12: Stalag 17 -

  2. Don't be frightened. It's only the ghost of Andrew Jackson. A ghost!

  3. Hum I had written a comment but it seems it was deleted. Anyway, there are these two articles to add to today's post:

  4. Hello, here's my entry on Damien, Omen II for the blogathon. Love Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews


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