
Showing posts from September, 2014


I got some very bittersweet news the other day…my family decided to get the Hopper DVR device. Without sounding too much like a commercial, it basically will let us record more shows simultaneously so we won’t have to sacrifice watching things we really enjoy for other things we really enjoy. Now, at my house, I’m clearly the #1 DVR user. I have TCM and I’m human, okay? (I also understand its “intricacies” much more than my parents do.) So I was happy that we were finally getting the Hopper—I mean, it has two freaking terrabytes of storage. TCM all day, every day! But then my mom told me the worst part…everything that’s currently on our DVR will be erased when the new device is installed. EVERYTHING. Years of accumulating this oddball film here and this fantastic movie there will all be gone come Tuesday. I’m kinda sorta devastated . Sure, some of the movies play on TCM all the time, no big deal. But what about The Happy Time ? It’s a little-known movie starring Charles Boyer

"Take the picture! Take the picture!"

Yes, it's true. I've changed my background again. But I also got ambitious and switched up the fonts, so take that, laziness. I'm really happy with this format, so I think it's safe to say that I'll be keeping this one for much longer than the previous ones. Now, on to the post! As you can imagine, I've accumulated quite a few photos of classic actors and actresses. If I'm not looking for something for the blog, I'm looking for a background for my computer or my phone, or I'm just bored at work and I decide to hit up Google Images for whatever strikes my fancy. In lieu of an actual post, I thought I'd just show you all these fantastic photos I found of my favorites behind cameras. We usually see them in front of a camera, so it's nice to see the tables turned in a sense. I hope you all enjoy these as much I do. My bonnie Kate. I believe this was during the shooting of  The African Queen . Has Ingrid Bergman ever looked mo

"I'm glad I found you, you wonderful you": Antiques and Projects, Part 1

As you can imagine, being a classic film fan, I love buying antiques and practically anything related to Old Hollywood, even things with the smallest association. Call me an old lady (my sister frequently does), but I find old furniture and other items pretty great. They hold up 100 times better than modern stuff, they have history, and they just look better than what’s being produced now—much like classic movies! Getting an apartment for college this year unleashed the antiquing beast in me. All summer, I was collecting and buying, from something small like a biscuit tin to something bigger like a roll-top desk. I even scored my grandma’s Amana microwave from 1983, complete with a door that opens down like an oven’s and real 1980s air that blasts from the vent while it’s operating. (I can practically feel your jealous gazes.)