My third Liebster.

The sweet Virginie over at The Wonderful World of Cinema has kindly nominated me for a Liebster Award, my third one in less than a year . I'm ecstatic -- being recognized for my blog is something I could never take for granted. In case you're unaware of the rules, in order to accept the award I need to answer Virginie's 11 questions, nominate up to 11 other bloggers, ask 11 of my own questions, and tell you 11 things about myself. Here goes! Virginie's questions: 1. If you had to “promote” a not too well-known classic film, what will be your choice? I have quite a few I'd love to give more popularity, but for this question, I'll say Having Wonderful Crime , a funny, fast-paced murder mystery that was clearly an attempt to capitalize on the success of The Thin Man . Carole Landis and George Montgomery are an amazing team, and while I'm not the biggest fan of Pat O'Brien, I enjoy him in this film too. I wasn't expecting much when I recorded...