Announcing the Rock Hudson Blogathon!

A gorgeous, underrated talent, Rock Hudson has been unfairly overlooked for many years. The man was always more than what people reduce him to -- more than his tragic death from AIDS, more than his sex comedies with Doris Day, and more than a closeted gay man. With all that in mind, Crystal of In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood and I have decided to collaborate again to celebrate lovely Mr. Hudson, and just in time for his 93rd birthday, too!

The guidelines are pretty simple:

You can write about anything relating to Rock: his films, his TV work (I Love Lucy, Dynasty, McMillan and Wife, etc.), his partnerships with such great women as Doris Day or Dorothy Malone... whatever you'd like! Leave a comment with your topic(s) on this post or on Crystal's announcement post or email Crystal at -- don't forget to include your blog's name and URL!

Although we'd love a wide variety of topics to be covered, we will not include any posts that seem disrespectful or malicious.

We are accepting two duplicates per topic, so be sure to check the roster before leaving a comment. That being said, if two people have taken, say, Magnificent Obsession, you could still write about Hudson's work with Douglas Sirk in general or something else. If you're unsure what qualifies, just ask us!

There isn't a limit exactly on how many posts you want to write, but we would prefer no more than three entries per person.

Please submit new material and not previously published posts.

After claiming your topic, go ahead and grab a banner and please help us spread the word!

NOTE: Pillow Talk, Rock and Doris Day's friendship, Has Anybody Seen My Gal? and A Gathering of Eagles have been claimed the maximum number of times.

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Blindfold (1966)
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Pillow Talk (1959)
The Wonderful World of Cinema | Rock and Doris Day's friendship
Pop Culture ReveriePillow Talk (1959)
Musings of a Classic Film Addict | Seconds (1966)
Caftan Woman | Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (1952)
The Midnite Drive-In | The Undefeated (1969)
Realweegiemidget Reviews | McMillan and Wife episode "Affair of the Heart"
The Stop Button | All That Heaven Allows (1955)
Back to Golden Days | Rock's early, pre-stardom days
Critica Retro | Rock's roles as a Native American
The Story Enthusiast | The Tarnished Angels (1957)
Dubsism | A Gathering of Eagles (1963)
Silver ScreeningsThe Last Sunset (1961)
Movie Rob | Tobruk (1967), A Gathering of Eagles (1963), and Darling Lili (1970)
Hamlette’s Soliloquy | Giant (1956)
Poppity Talks Classic Film | Ice Station Zebra (1968)
Anybody Got a Match? | Rock and Doris Day’s friendship
Mike's Take on the Movies | Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
Taking Up RoomSend Me No Flowers (1964)
It Came from the Man Cave | Avalanche (1978)
The Flapper DameThe Undefeated (1969)
Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (1952)
Pale Writer | The Mirror Crack’d (1980)


  1. Replies
    1. I knew it! And I think you commented in record time! :)

  2. Ladies, this is an irresistible blogathon. May I have Has Anybody Seen My Gal?

  3. Hi, can you put me down for Pretty Maids All in a Row (1971)? from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  4. I love Rock Hudson! :)
    Can I please write about Rock's early years, before he became a film star?
    My blog: Back to Golden Days (

    -Cátia. xo

  5. I'd love to do "The Last Sunset" (1961) – featuring the fab Kirk Douglas, too!

    1. I'm dying to see that one! Hopefully I get to it before the blogathon. Thanks for joining, Ruth!

  6. Hi Michaela,

    I'm very sorry, but I am afraid that I'm no longer going to be able to take part in this blogathon. I hope it goes really well. Maddy

    1. Sorry to hear that, Maddy! Thanks for letting us know.

  7. Hey Michaela, I uploaded my post a couple of days early...

    Looking forward to this! :)

    1. Awesome, thanks, Ruth! I'm looking forward to it, too!

  8. Hi there, sorry to be a pain but cant get hold of a copy of pretty maids all in a row.. can I review Rock Hudson in an episode of McMillan and wife with Larry Hagman called Affair of the Heart thanks Gillx

    1. Hey, Gill, sorry I didn't reply sooner! I'll change your topic right now!

  9. Thanks again for allowing me to join in on the fun. Here is my post

    Bob From
    It Came From The Man Cave!


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