Announcing the Second Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn Blogathon!

Two years ago, Crystal from In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood hosted her first Spencer Tracy & Katharine Hepburn Blogathon. When she told me she was bringing it back this year, I was thrilled, so you can imagine how over the moon I was when she asked me to co-host!

For anyone who is a regular reader of mine, you know that Kate is my favorite actress and just flat-out one of my favorite people ever. This woman could do anything and she remains a constant source of inspiration for me. Her partnership and romance with Spencer Tracy, one of history's greatest actors, is fascinating and iconic, and I can't wait to celebrate these two.

Here are the rules:

1) We won't restrict you to just the nine films that Spence and Kate made together. You're welcome to write about any film that either of them appeared in, or any topic relating to either of them.

2) We're allowing no more than two duplicates. There are plenty of topics to go around! We also ask that you limit yourself to a maximum of three posts per participant.

3) Please, new material only!

4) Be respectful. We're here to honor people, not to tear them down or spread malicious thoughts.

5) To join, leave a comment below or on Crystal's announcement post. Be sure to include the name and URL of your blog. You can also email Crystal at

6) This event will be on Oct. 11-13. (It's not connected to any special day for Kate or Spence, but rather dates that worked well for us. Besides, celebrating these two doesn't require a particular occasion, if you ask me!) Please grab one of our banners below and we'll see you in October!

Topics chosen the maximum number of times:
Pat and Mike
The African Queen
The Philadelphia Story

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Eight Favorite Hepburn Films
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Kate and Spence: A Memorable Partnership & TBD
The Stop Button | Adam’s Rib (1949)
Caftan Woman | Keeper of the Flame (1943)
Critica Retro | Desk Set (1957)
A Shroud Of Thoughts | The People Against O’Hara (1951)
Pop Culture Reverie | TBD
Pale Writer | Undercurrent (1946)
18 Cinema Lane | One Christmas (1994) and It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)
Dubsism | Pat and Mike (1952)
Vintage Genevieve | Katharine Hepburn and Fashion
Taking Up Room | The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Wolffian Classic Movies Digest | The African Queen (1951)
Poppity Talks Classic Film | Spencer Tracy Double Feature: The Mountain (1956) and Broken Lance (1954)
Anybody Got a Match? | Hepburn’s legendary status with the Academy Awards
Retro Movie Buff | Pat and Mike (1952)
Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | The African Queen (1951) and a "Film Fashion Friday" entry on Spencer Tracy
Screen Dreams | Woman of the Year (1942)
The Wonderful World of Cinema | Quality Street (1937)
Linda Pacey, guest post on In The Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner (1967)
Movies Meet Their Match | The Philadelphia Story (1940)


  1. Hi, can you add me with Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? (1967) thanks from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  2. I would like to work up something on Keeper of the Flame. I hope this fits in with the program.

  3. Hello, I'd like to write about 'Pat and Mike', please. Thanks!

  4. Sorry but going to have to withdraw from your blogathon as got an important exam coming up in November, hope all goes well. Normal service will resume after that!

    from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews


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