Announcing the Second Van Johnson Blogathon!

So, I definitely have a problem and it's called "hosting blogathons." I just can't help it, especially when it comes to celebrating people I adore. Life has been pretty hectic lately -- we had to recently put my grandfather in the nursing home and sell his house; I've finally recovered after three months of impaired vision; and my family is getting ready to embark on a European adventure that we desperately need. (Let's just say 2018 hasn't been completely kind to us so far.)

This is all to say that I know this is a bit of a late announcement, but when thinking about what blogathons I wanted to host this year, my mind quickly went to the Van Johnson celebration I held in August of 2017. As you may know, Van is one of my favorite actors. He has been a bright light throughout my entire journey with classic film, and it only makes sense that I show my love for the man by hosting the Second Van Johnson Blogathon on August 24-26!

The rules are simple: talk about Van. You can discuss his films, his TV appearances, his stage work, or his personal life (be kind, please!). All I ask is that there are no duplicates. I would love for this to be a diverse celebration of Van because he more than deserves it. Just leave me a comment, select a banner, and I'll see you in August!

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | personal tribute to Van


  1. This year I would like to write something on Van's guest appearance on Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theater. It is an excellent 1959 episode entitled Deadfall.

    Here's hoping your getaway is everything it should be.

    1. Sounds great! And thanks -- it may leave us broke, but I really think this trip is going to be something special, especially since my mom has always dreamed of going to Europe.

  2. I'm not sure if my comment this morning went through... It was 3am after all.

    I want to claim Battleground.

    1. Hm, doesn't look like your earlier comment went through. I've been having some issues with comments lately, thanks to Blogger. Anyway, Battleground is yours!

  3. I couldn't be more glad that you're bringing back this blogathon! Could I write about A Guy Named Joe (1943) for Musings of a Classic Film Addict, please? Thank you!

  4. Hi there, totally understand about the blogathon addiction! But you are so right there's so many great actors and actresses out there to tribute! Anyway, can I review Divorce American Style (1967) with Van, not seen it but looks an amazing cast? from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Sure thing! It's been a while since I've seen that one, but I'll always remember the scene where Debbie Reynolds and Dick Van Dyke are mad at each other and they silently get ready for bed while furiously slamming drawers, brushing teeth, etc. It's quite something.

    2. I don't think so. It's more of a dramedy and the scene I described is played for laughs. I guess I could have made that more clear, haha.

    3. No you made it clear, just sob at everything!

  5. Sports Analogies Hidden In Classic Movies - The Caine Mutiny

    1. The Caine Mutiny is the favorite movie for two guys on my list of favorite actors

    2. Great choice, thanks for joining!

  6. Hi Michaela! I discovered there was a I Love Lucy episode starring Van Johnson (as himself!) and I'll be curious to see it and review it! It's called 'The Dancing Star'

    1. That's one of my favorite episodes! It's adorable -- I know you'll enjoy it!

  7. Hi, Michaela!
    Can I please write about Van's collaborations with June Allyson? They're one of my favorite screen couples of all time.

    My blog: Back to Golden Days (

    1. Please do! I love that pairing, too. Glad you could join!

  8. Yay! Van is someone who will certainly cheer us up. I'd like to write about Wives and Lovers (1963).

  9. I have just reccently gotten into Van's movies, but I am going to claim the first movie I saw him it: Brigadoon (1954), if no one else has already claimed it.

    1. That movie is one of my favorites! Thanks for joining!

    2. Yay! I'm excited!

      Movies Meet Their Match:

  10. Hello, may I write about 'Miracle in the Rain' for Retro Movie Buff please? Thanks!

  11. Can I do Siege at Red River (1954), The Price of Power (1969) and Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944)

    1. Definitely! I actually haven't heard of two of those, so I'm looking forward to your posts.

    2. Hey Michaela, whats ur email address? I wanted to send u something Mine is



    3. Hey, Rob! You can reach me at Looking forward to hearing from you!

  12. Hi Michaela! Hope things start looking up for you soon <3 I'd like to write about The Big Hangover and Scene of the Crime.

    1. Thanks, Simoa. :)

      Yay! A Van Johnson blogathon wouldn't be the same without you!

  13. I would like to write about Van Johnson's role as The Minstrel in the sixties Batman TV show for old Hollywood Films. Thanks and have fun in Europe

    My entry on "Battleground"


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