A quick note about email subscriptions

 If you subscribe to my blog, first of all: THANK YOU. Secondly, you may have heard about how Feedburner, the email subscription service many bloggers use, would no longer be supported on Blogger after this past July.

Since I was one of those unlucky people using Feedburner, you haven't been receiving new posts from me these past few weeks in your inbox. I tried to figure out a new email service before Feedburner became defunct, but as someone who isn't super tech savvy and who has needed to prioritize my job, it got pretty overwhelming and I had to put the search on hold.

The good news, though, is that I was finally able to dedicate the time to figure this situation out and I've just finished setting up a new subscription service!

If you have subscribed before, you should still be subscribed (and you should've received this post as an email). Please check your spam if you haven't gotten anything or try signing up again. If you would like to subscribe, there is a new button on this blog's landing page. Just click here, then click the three lines in the upper left corner, and scroll down the menu that appears until you see a greenish blue box.

Hopefully everything has been set up right and this all goes smoothly. I've subscribed myself so I can try to keep an eye on things. Thank you for your patience and your continued support! It means more to me than you can possibly know.


  1. Congrats on getting your new email service set-up! I am switching from Feedburner, too, and I have also decided to go with Mailerlite! I was surprised and glad to see - you chose it, too!

    I received both your emails today from Feedburner & Mailerlite, so I'll just simply unsubscribe from Feedburner. It seems - it still goes out to old subscribers but supposedly new people can't sign up. That's what I've been told.

    Anyway, your new email service looks great, and I look to forward to receiving future newsletters from you!

    Blessings! Net

    1. Thanks, Net! Great to hear you've also chosen that service. It's been pretty easygoing so far, but it's also just been two days, haha.

      I really appreciate you letting me know you received the email -- especially the Feedburner one because I didn't realize those were still going out! I figured since the service was retiring, it wouldn't be an issue but it looks like I'll have to turn it off. Thanks again, and best of luck with your own switching!


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